Ian Streule, a Partner at Analysys Mason, brings over 25 years of experience in managing and directing consulting projects within the telecoms and postal communications sectors.
As the head of the postal and courier sector practice, Ian has directed numerous projects for regulatory authorities worldwide, including in Qatar, Malaysia, Belgium, Oman, Kenya, Namibia, Norway and the UK. His expertise spans policy development and regulatory issues, including market evolution, user surveys, universal services, cost accounting, pricing and quality of service.
In addition to his work in the postal sector, Ian also leads a variety of telecoms sector projects. His work involves costing and pricing of wholesale access, spectrum valuation and acquisition, mobile sector regulation and MVNOs, fixed network costing, cost accounting and separated accounts, and strategic economic and regulatory advice.
Over his career, Ian has provided assistance to more than 25 different telecoms regulators and ministries across the world, including Ofcom (UK), the ACCC (Australia), DCCAE (Ireland) and ACM (the Netherlands). His extensive experience is complemented by his work with operators and industry groups in over 25 countries. He has provided regulatory strategy support to various operators including BT, Telenor, MTN, stc, Ooredoo, KPN, Sky, Digicel, Optus and SK Telecom.
Ian is a frequent speaker at industry meetings and conference workshops. He has also provided expert witness legal support in Europe, Africa, the Caribbean and the Middle East. He holds an MPhys in Physics from the University of Oxford and an MSc in Applied Economics from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Access to land under the GIA: considerations for regulation
Impact of investment in the Ethiopian telecoms market – the story so far
Decisive action is needed to ensure the long-term provision of universal postal services