Analysys Mason was hired to perform the commercial and technical due diligence of a quickly growing SD-WAN-as-a-service player

Project experience | Transaction support


The problem

  • The client was a software-defined wide-area network (SD-WAN) player, which provides comprehensive connectivity and security services and enjoys a unique position in the market by offering a wholesale-only SD-WAN-as-a-service
  • We were asked to perform the sell-side commercial and technical due diligence of the company to support discussions with financial partners to finance their next growth phase as the client sought to become a core player in the growing global SD-WAN market

The solution

  • Through the course of our due diligence, we performed:
    • an assessment of the client’s technical and commercial environment
    • a review of the client’s four-year business plan
  • Our assessment was based on:
    • the client’s strategic positioning
    • the fundamentals of SD-WAN technology, its main drivers and barriers to adoption
    • our estimate of the size of the managed SD-WAN market through a bottom-up market model
    • the client’s go-to-market strategy, as well as a competitive assessment relative to other players in the market
    • the client’s technological implementation and strategy

Figure: Benefits of the reviewed platform

Case study 185.JPG

The result

  • Our report was used by our client to support its discussions with investors

We were commissioned by a global SD-WAN as-a-service provider looking to attract investors willing to support their growth. We performed the sell-side commercial and technical due diligence of their activity and developed a detailed global SD-WAN market-sizing model, performing a comprehensive competitive assessment of our client within the SD-WAN market