The Norwegian county Nordland updated and refreshed the county’s broadband strategy based on Analysys Mason’s analyses and proposal

Project experience | Regulation and policy


The problem

  • Nordland County is one of 11 counties in Norway, with responsibility for managing annual state subsidies for broadband in areas where commercial incentives for further broadband deployment are limited
  • The county engaged Analysys Mason to provide a good overview of existing broadband infrastructure, so that it could prioritise projects to improve broadband coverage for as many households and companies as possible
  • One aim of the study was to provide a good description of the current status of broadband development at the municipal level in Nordland County, and to assess development and expansion opportunities based on existing infrastructure. Based on these analyses, Analysys Mason was asked to suggest how to update and refresh the county’s broadband strategy

The solution

  • The study involved three streams of work:
    1. Describing current broadband coverage at a municipality level in Nordland County, and assessing development/expansion opportunities based on existing infrastructure
    2. Undertaking cost analysis of symmetrical 100Mbit/s coverage for different coverage levels
    3. Preparing a proposal for a County broadband strategy 2021–2025: Goals, tools and priorities

Figure: Nordland county in Norway


The result

  • The output was a report to support Nordland County’s ongoing work to manage annual state subsidies for broadband development, and setting out proposals for updating/refreshing the county’s broadband strategy

Our client, Nordland County, commissioned Analysys Mason to provide an overview of existing broadband infrastructure, so that it could prioritise projects to improve broadband coverage for as many households and companies as possible