Giving an investor confidence in a global towerco’s ESG credentials

Project experience | Transaction support

Giving an investor confidence in a global735 x 70.jpg

Risk versus opportunity for a massive multi-national asset base 

A global infrastructure investment manager needed support in assessing the technical and environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks of a potential investment in a global towerco with many thousands of sites across 20 markets worldwide. 

Analysys Mason put together a team of experts drawn from our transaction support and sustainability practices to conduct a detailed technical and ESG due diligence study, to shed light on the risks and opportunities presented by the tower assets, and to understand whether the transaction would fit our client’s investment criteria.

ESG analysis for a complete picture of investment risk 

We explored the risks and opportunities from two different perspectives: a technical assessment of the tower assets and an assessment of the ESG-related credentials of the company’s assets, operations and policies. The ESG component is an increasingly important measure for financial investors, who need confidence that their investments are future-proof and compliant with regulation and want to maximise the potential value of their investments. 

Figure 1: Analysys Mason’s ESG principles


The analysis was structured around our comprehensive ESG framework, which allows our sustainability experts to deliver a detailed ESG review, based on a robust scoring system within a proven materiality assessment framework. 

Figure 2: Analysys Mason’s 18-step ESG framework1


A fully-informed investment decision 

Despite a demanding three-week project timeframe, our experts were able to complete a comprehensive combined due diligence study. This gave our client the insight and confidence needed to make an informed investment decision, and to understand and mitigate the full spectrum of future risks.

Environmental management systems (EMS). Greenhouse gas (GHG).