Regulatory and business barriers to 5G in Asia-Pacific

Project experience | Strategy

The problem

  • As in other regions worldwide, the introduction of 5G from 2020 in Asia–Pacific (APAC) promises to accelerate the digitalisation of society and digital transformation of enterprises.
  • In order to develop a strong 5G ecosystem by driving 5G adoption in the APAC region, a global vendor commissioned a study to identify the regulatory and business barriers yet to be addressed for. 

The solution

  • We conducted a survey of 39 operators in 2018 across six regional markets and identified gaps between their plans (for example, use cases and timelines) and the expectations of enterprises (based on an enterprise survey across 191 executives conducted by the MIT for our client the same year).
  • We also analysed the extent to which current regulations (for areas such as spectrum release timeframes and guidelines for small cell deployments) and government policies provide a favourable environment for the development of 5G.

Figure: Percentage of operators that place each sector in their top-four priority sectors for 5G commercial deployment, and the percentage of enterprises that place each sector in their the top-five sectors to benefit most from 5G, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, 2018

The result

  • Analysys Mason published a white paper that presents the findings of our analysis and our recommendations for local policymakers and operators to assist with removing the barriers to adoption that we have identified in order to ensure 5G success in the region.

* Analysys Mason’s 5G to deliver results in Asia–Pacific needs all stakeholders to collaborate is available at: