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  • 30 October 2019
  • Article
E-pharmacies in India: global and local trends point to a positive future

The Government of India is due to implement a new regulatory framework and guidelines relating to online pharmacies that should help to further stimul...

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  • 30 October 2019
  • Newsletter
Analysys Mason Quarterly Oct-Dec 2019

Business survey 2019: almost 25% of small businesses feel that their cyber-security protection is inadequate Vendors of cyber-security solutions are ...

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  • 30 October 2019
  • Article
The digitalisation of the bioeconomy will provide opportunities for operators and ICT providers

The bioeconomy is one of the EU’s largest and most important sectors; it has an annual turnover of EUR2 trillion and employs 18 million people. It is ...

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  • 30 October 2019
  • Article
Operators’ decisions to shut down legacy 2G/3G networks need to be commercially driven

Mobile operators need to consider the trade-off between closing a legacy 2G or 3G network to free up spectrum for 4G/5G and the risk of losing subscri...

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  • 30 October 2019
  • Article
The time for contract renegotiation is upon us and towercos should prepare

Several contracts regulating the relationship between towercos and their mobile network operator (MNO) customers are expected to expire in the next fi...

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  • 30 October 2019
  • Article
Opinions differ on the need for a dedicated spectrum allocation for the utilities sector

The utilities industry faces some significant challenges associated with the delivery of resilient and cost-effective utilities networks and there is ...

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  • 31 July 2019
  • Newsletter
Analysys Mason Quarterly Jul-Sep 2019

5G will change how mobile networks are deployed, which has important implications for MNOs and towercos MNOs and towercos will need to respond differ...

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  • 29 July 2019
  • Article
The liberalisation of the telecoms market in Ethiopia presents a new opportunity to operators worldwide

Ethiopia is one of the few telecoms markets worldwide that still operates under a monopoly. This has resulted in an underdeveloped telecoms market. Ho...

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  • 29 July 2019
  • Article
5G networks are now being deployed on a large scale while work continues on the more-complex features

Analysys Mason recently updated its Global race to 5G report. The latest report provides details about the technical and commercial launch of 5G netwo...

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  • 29 July 2019
  • Article
Smart welfare technology and the public sector may be new target markets for operators

Analysys Mason recently performed two projects for the Swedish Post and Telecommunication Agency (PTS) and the Swedish National Digitalisation Council...

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