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  • 30 April 2020
  • Article
FTTH/FTTB in the EU: why and how local monopolies may get regulated

In the past, Finland had a highly fragmented fixed telecommunications market, with local copper networks provided by different local companies in each...

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  • 30 April 2020
  • Article
COVID-19: the telecoms industry will suffer less than many others, and can thus help to support the economy

COVID-19 will have a negative financial impact on telecoms operators in many ways, but there is a lot to play for in the post-COVID-19 era given how m...

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  • 30 April 2020
  • Article
New-generation mobile cost models: addressing broader issues beyond termination rates

Mobile cost models should not be overlooked. These models complement an approach based on information provided to end users about the availability and...

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  • 30 April 2020
  • Article
Ireland provides a leading example of a national broadband plan that others are likely to follow

Ireland’s National Broadband Plan will provide robust, high-speed, high-quality, futureproofed broadband to 100% of its rural population. It is ...

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  • 30 January 2020
  • Newsletter
Analysys Mason Quarterly Jan-Mar 2020

Predictions for telecoms, media and technology in 2020 Analysys Mason Research reveals which trends will make an impact in 2020. All eyes are on 5G, ...

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  • 29 January 2020
  • Article
5G opportunities in the 6GHz band

We believe that the internet will continue to be one of the most important contributors to economic growth and improved quality of life. 5G mobile net...

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  • 28 January 2020
  • Article
Data centre investment opportunities in APAC are expanding beyond the established ‘Tier 1’ markets

The data centre boom in the Asia–Pacific (APAC) region has mainly taken place in a select group of cities and countries. However, there are signs...

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  • 28 January 2020
  • Article
Enabling the full benefits of 5G will need new thinking from regulators and operators

Operators' announcements of 5G launches have stepped up in recent weeks and hundreds more will commence service during 2020. Governance of the sector ...

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  • 24 January 2020
  • Article
The towerco market in Saudi Arabia is emerging and may disrupt the regional status quo

Following a lengthy series of developments within the three large Saudi Arabian MNOs, STC was the first to take an initiative and established its subs...

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  • 24 January 2020
  • Article
Video providers should consider using a hybrid business model in crowded markets

Local players should adapt their offerings to support seamless transitioning between advertising, transactional and subscription-based models in order...

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