Analysys Mason Quarterly Jan-Mar 2019

30 January 2019

Bram Moerman


Predictions from Analysys Mason Research for the telecoms, media and digital economy markets in 2019

Annual predictions for the telecoms, media and digital economy markets for 2019 from Analysys Mason Research.

Fibre deployment: the planets are aligned for significant network investment

Competition between potential investors is expected to be fierce. However, the rationale behind investors’ increased appetite for fibre assets raises questions.

Understanding the cost of quality of service

If we want to improve the quality of service received by end-users, models can help us understand the level of additional resources needed.

The value of 3.4–3.8GHz spectrum: care is required when analysing the prices paid in previous auctions

The 3.4–3.8GHz band remains a relatively new band for the mobile industry. This may explain why the prices paid at recent auctions have diverged substantially.

Options for telecoms regulators to encourage consumers to engage with the market

Tackling retail procedures, terms and conditions is difficult. Regulators could intervene in a variety of ways to maximise the effectiveness of competition in a market.

A private mobile virtual network operator approach will offer new opportunities for utility companies

The trend for many commercial enterprises is to develop more-agile strategies that use cloud and over-the-top (OTT) services, but the self-provision of networks has many attractions for a utility.

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Bram Moerman

Global CEO