Analysys Mason Quarterly Jul-Sep 2019

31 July 2019

Bram Moerman


5G will change how mobile networks are deployed, which has important implications for MNOs and towercos

MNOs and towercos will need to respond differently to the network architecture and infrastructure requirements for 5G. 

Why are B2B start-ups hot again?

The number of B2B start-ups in India and the value of investments in them have increased substantially in the past few years.

Smart welfare technology and the public sector may be new target markets for operators

Operators in the Nordic region may be able to build scale within the smart welfare technology market so that welfare solutions for the public sector can become cheaper and more internationally harmonised.

5G networks are now being deployed on a large scale while work continues on the more-complex features

Analysys Mason recently updated its Global race to 5G report. The latest report provides details about the technical and commercial launch of 5G networks in several countries worldwide.

Data management is a pressing challenge for towercos in a time of change

Towercos and MNOs will miss important commercial opportunities if they do not share a common view of all their network assets.

The liberalisation of the telecoms market in Ethiopia presents a new opportunity to operators worldwide

Ethiopia’s telecoms market is opening up to outside investment, with interest from regional and global telecoms groups.

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Bram Moerman

Global CEO