Analysys Mason Quarterly Apr-Jun 2019

30 April 2019

Bram Moerman


Cloud service providers may prove to be the utilities of the future, in a market that remains highly competitive

Regulators and policy-makers in several parts of the world have started to wonder whether large internet platform businesses may be a new form of utilities. 

Wastefulness is smart and efficiency is dumb: the 5G contradiction and lessons from fixed networks

This comment argues that operators might be wiser to exploit the raw capacity of 5G networks (by aggressively pushing fixed–wireless access, for example) than rely on the illusory promise of price discrimination.

Achieving fit-for-purpose regulation in developing markets is challenging, but possible

National regulatory authorities (NRAs) in developing markets are often faced with designing their own regulatory regimes and the stakes are high.

Operators need to embrace new processes to benefit fully from SD-WAN technology

This comment, based on our recent series of SD-WAN case studies, explores the strategies of operators and their implications.

liad’s market entry and the 5G spectrum auction outcome could split the Italian mobile market in two

Two main events happened in the Italian mobile market in 2018. The combination could split the Italian prepaid mobile market into two segments.

Digitalisation, automation and 5G will drive telecoms software spending to USD95.1 billion in 2022

Telecoms software spending will reach USD95.1 billion in 2022 propelled by digital transformation, NFV/SDN-driven network and operations automation and 5G deployments.

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Bram Moerman

Global CEO