Layer123 Network Transformation Awards 2022


Franck Chevalier, Co-Head of Technology, Analysys Mason, will be a member of the judging panel at the Layer123 Network Transformation Awards, which will be held during Layer123 World Congress 2022. The awards ceremony will take place in London on 6 December 2022.

About the awards

The Layer123 Network Transformation Awards shine a spotlight on the industry’s most innovative people and companies by recognising their most notable achievements in accelerating network transformation over the last 12 months.

Join us to celebrate products and services innovation and excellence for a broad range of domains and technologies. Winners will inspire determination, progress and future collaboration between executives, leaders and activists.

Layer123 manages an open and transparent award selection process, that achieve the highest credibility and integrity. The awards are judged independently by a panel of leading analysts with no involvement by Layer123.

For more information and to submit an entry, visit the website here.

Tuesday 6 December 2022 7:00PM - 10:00PM GMT
London, UK