Create success with mobile services in the SME market


Analysys Mason and Telekomnyheterna's are hosting the free networking meeting 'Create success with mobile services in the SME market', which will be held in Stockholm on 24 May 2023.

Analysys Mason Partner, Tom Rebbeck, will be heading to Stockholm for an exclusive breakfast seminar together with Telekomnyheterna to share his unique knowledge about which services are successful in the SME market.

Tom is head of Analysys Mason's global unit for Operator Business Services and IoT and in that role has access to many practical studies about the leading operators' strategies for differentiation in the mobile market and how they work to succeed with bundling services.

The meeting will be held in central Stockholm, the location will be announced in the confirmation email sent to you. Breakfast is served from 07.30, the seminar itself starts at 08.00 and concludes at around 09.00.

To register for this free event, visit the website here.

Wednesday 24 May 2023 7:30AM - 9:00AM CEST
Stockholm, Sweden