Analysys Mason’s Data, AI/analytics and development products and cloud services launch tracker provides details of new products and cloud...
This profile assesses AWS’s approach to cloud sovereignty, in the context of the telecoms market. AWS enables sovereignty through advanced...
This profile assesses Google Cloud’s approach to cloud sovereignty, in the context of the telecoms...
Conversations around a possible combination between Intelsat and SES have ceased after months in deal talks. While the Satcom industry...
This profile assesses Oracle’s approach to cloud sovereignty, in the context of the telecoms market. OCI Dedicated Region and Oracle Alloy form...
Analysys Mason provides detailed 5-year forecasts of the telecoms market in Latin America. This report focuses on operators’ core telecoms...
Analysys Mason provides detailed 5-year forecasts of the telecoms market in Latin America. This report focuses on operators’ core telecoms...
Many communications service providers (CSPs) believe their future growth will come from offering B2B and B2B2x services, but these markets are...
The next generation of xPON after 10G tends to be thought of as technology geared towards some unspecified future demand. However, symmetrical...
According to data from the first quarter of 2023, challenger operators in Europe have profited from keeping prices flat while their competitors...