The edge compute market is growing but is immature. To help service providers and vendors that are looking to enter this market or improve their...
Total cost of ownership (TCO) reduction is one of the most desired objectives for implementing Open RAN architecture, but at the same time the most...
Key themes of the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023 and Cloud-native Telco Day (held in April 2023) included updates on Project Sylva, Nephio,...
Internet access has come a long way since the 1990s, when it was effectively a ‘dial up’ phone call. Over the past two decades, optical...
The satellite communication industry is undergoing a significant transformation, due in no small part to the advent of software defined networks,...
This report provides a view of investment trends of a representative sample of telecoms operators worldwide and analyses the different approaches...
The Rogers–Shaw merger and Videtron's acquisition of Freedom Mobile could trigger the growth of the fixed–mobile convergence (FMC)...
This report analyses the business messaging strategies of six third-party messaging platform providers. Each strategy is assessed based on four key...
Communications service providers (CSPs) have increasingly distributed data environments, which makes implementing AI and analytics use cases...
This report is our annual assessment of how small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) feel about their IT-related requirements, business prospects and...