This report is our annual assessment of how small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are feeling about their IT-related requirements, business...
The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery market has traditionally been limited to government and commercial programs with large and expensive...
This edition of the Spectrum Newsletter for up to the end of September 2022 highlights the spectrum auction activity in four regions...
This country report and accompanying data annex provide a comprehensive overview of Pakistan's telecoms market, including KPIs and data on...
The overarching message at Fyuz 2022 was greater collaboration. This article outlines the key takeaways from the event, with a particular focus on...
KPN’s B2B revenue has returned to growth after many years of decline. The operator's approach of pursuing multiple new initiatives and focusing...
Satellite cybersecurity is gaining more attention in the industry and among government officials, with raising concerns about a cyber warfare. The...
This report outlines how multi-cloud NaaS vendors and service providers can capture opportunities in the multi-cloud IAM and decentralised identity...
Operators are under environmental and financial pressure to reduce power consumption in mobile networks. This article explores strategies, such as...
The Saudi government made significant investments into the gaming industry in 2022 via its sovereign fund, the Public Investment Fund (PIF). Local...