This profile assesses LivePerson’s BSS products and services in the conversational AI platform sector. LivePerson is a global technology firm...
eGain provides digital customer engagement solutions that are deployed on the cloud. It serves multiple industry verticals, including the telecoms...
This report analyses the size of four key digital vertical markets for operators worldwide. It includes revenue forecasts for mobile money (m-money)...
Amelia, formerly known as IPsoft, is a software provider that focuses on artificial intelligence, cognitive and autonomic solutions for multiple...
This profile assesses Infosys’s digital BSS products, solutions and services. Infosys provides business consulting, information technology and...
5G build-out represents an inflexion point: network loading relative to total capacity will begin to fall. Investment based solely on projected...
MNOs' spending on the RAN will grow at a CAGR of 0.1% between 2020 and 2025, from USD51.5 billion to USD51.9 billion. 5G and vRAN will be the biggest...
The total retail revenue generated by TV and video services in the MENA region will grow by 16% in the 5 years to 2025, reaching USD4.3 billion by...
Two weeks ago, the derelict NOAA-17 satellite broke up. At the same time, NASA jettisoned a 3-ton cargo pallet of junk from the International Space...
Several operators maintained growth in the number of connections of 20% or higher, but all operators who disclosed IoT revenue in 2020 reported a...