Analysys Mason has conducted a study examining the Internet ecosystem, and the impacts and opportunities for telecoms operators that arise from...
Welcome to the second edition of the Analysys Mason Quarterly for 2017. This edition features our experts’ thought leadership on a range of key...
The Internet is transforming much of the audiovisual sector. This transformation is occurring rapidly and is having a profound impact. In this...
A badly designed auction can lead to undesirable outcomes, either from the perspective of governments or national regulatory authorities (NRAs), or...
The European Union (EU) approved the 5G Action Plan in September 2016. This plan highlights several “pioneer” spectrum bands (700MHz and 3.4–3.8GHz)....
The network performance monitoring (NPM) space hit a record number of transactions in 2016 and M&A momentum in NPM is expected to persist, as...
Stakeholders and authorities are faced with having to assess efficiencies and understand the potential impact of remedies. Efficiencies will be...
A new report by Analysys Mason, sponsored by the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG), examines the Universal Acceptance (UA) of the new...
A new report by Analysys Mason and Oliver & Ohlbaum examines the impact of the internet and digitalisationon the European creative...
Analysys Mason was selected by ING Bank, acting on behalf of the lenders to review O3b's market and revenue projections and assess whether there was...