This profile assesses VMware’s strategy in the network automation and orchestration...
This profile assesses NEC/Netcracker’s strategy in the network automation and orchestration segment. Netcracker is a leading vendor of digital...
Rogers Communications deployed ServiceNow’s SaaS-based solution, Customer Service Management, in order to consolidate its systems and optimise...
SaaS is typically perceived as being more expensive over the lifetime of deployment, but this does not reflect all of the benefits of SaaS and may...
The Software-as-a-service tracker provides examples of SaaS-based delivery from key vendors within the OSS/BSS...
The practice of virtualising the network is leading to more complex operational processes, which will increase costs for communications service...
Software-as-a-service deployments have become increasingly common among CSPs in recent years due to their wide range of benefits; a reduction in the...
SK Telecom launched its online subscription brand T Universe in August 2021. This article outlines the offer and discusses its replicability in other...