Valuing mmWave spectrum poses a new challenge to regulators and operators alike due to uncertainties surrounding the potential demand and...
Hyperscale data centre markets are driven by a select group of high value, data-hungry customers. In China, this pool of companies is...
Industrial users and large enterprises are increasingly interested in investing in private networks to control their own infrastructure. Operators...
Telecoms providers are facing a crucial dilemma; they either have to invest to keep up with the market demand or sell off parts (or all) of their...
We draw on our recent experience of supporting regulators and operators to prepare for 26GHz spectrum awards to identify and highlight key...
Edge networks, operated by content delivery networks, can deliver internet content closer to the end users, thereby saving them time and...
Analysys Mason has been fortunate enough to be involved in most fibre transactions of the last few months. We expect that the trend of fibre...
The telecoms industry is in a period of significant transition. Disrupted by digital native companies from across the media, internet and...
This article discusses issues that policy makers may choose to focus on as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, lockdown and future economic recovery...
This article discusses the opportunity to use smartphone technologies to track people for public health applications, and the obvious privacy...