This report provides key findings from consumer survey data from Canada and gives an analysis at the operator level. It covers fixed broadband,...
This report includes forecasts and analysis for the adoption of fixed–mobile converged (FMC) accounts in Canada, as well as our expectations...
This report assesses the private networks market in Canada and provides a breakdown of the projected number of networks and network spend between...
This report provides an outlook on the business telecoms and ICT services market in Canada. It highlights overall revenue trends and identifies the...
This paper captures 3.4–4.2GHz spectrum availability in 24 higher-income OECD markets and contrasts spectrum availability in Canada with that...
This country report and accompanying data annex provide a comprehensive overview of Canada's telecoms market, including KPIs and data on subscribers,...
TELUS is active in the consumer digital healthcare market in Canada and provides two key consumer-facing services, TELUS Health MyCare and TELUS...
Fixed telecoms revenue will grow by 4% between 2020 and 2025, driven by growth in revenue from fixed broadband services. This report analyses how the...
The Rogers–Shaw merger and Videtron's acquisition of Freedom Mobile could trigger the growth of the fixed–mobile convergence (FMC)...
This report highlights the key findings of Analysys Mason's survey of 1870 SMEs in Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA, focusing on their use of...