Analysys Mason’s small and medium-sized business team provide a summary of the key trends that they are expecting in...
Operators will struggle to generate new revenue streams from 5G without investing in advanced RAN capabilities. However, the business case for...
VMware provided much-needed clarity amid concerns about its takeover by Broadcom at the VMware Explore 2023...
This article describes how telecoms operators are using GenAI today, but also outlines scenarios for the longer-term impact of this technology. The...
SpaceX is making a bet that open standards will win over proprietary systems in terms of IoT via satellite. The move is not surprising to NSR...
Strong demand for high-speed broadband connectivity in emerging Asia–Pacific (EMAP) will drive fixed broadband revenue growth during...
The Network and Information Systems Directive 2 (NIS2), sets new standards for EU companies, mandating stringent cyber-security measures. It compels...
Telecoms operators may overlook smaller IoT use cases, which have significant revenue potential in aggregate. IoT players with versatile portfolios...
The increasing demand for seamless and universal connectivity offers a substantial market for satellite communications players. To capitalise on the...
Observability is far more than just an extension of monitoring. It provides CSPs the opportunity to make the most of their cloud-native environments...