Sustainability initiatives are an increasingly decisive aspect of operations across many industries. Against a backdrop of rising energy costs and...
In an increasingly connected world, a reliable satellite internet connection is becoming a necessity for those residing in remote or rural areas...
The ability to embed network capabilities into application architecture opens up a new set of potential use cases, enabling enterprises to generate...
This article outlines some of the main implications that operators should take into account when considering price increases. Even when...
Application-to-person (A2P) SMS revenue will continue to decrease as the penetration of third-party apps increases. Platforms like Facebook...
Operators know that consumers’ home Wi-Fi networks are a bottleneck to improved customer experience, but the investments required to overcome...
This report uses data-based forecasts to analyse the long-term prospects for the satellite direct-to-device (D2D) market. It describes the...
This report uses data-based forecasts to analyse the long-term prospects for satellite IoT and M2M communications, and the changes in market dynamics...
Operators of IP networks are suffering major network outages, causing loss of customers, loss of revenue and requirement to pay damages. A new...
The emergence of wholesale-only operators has created new opportunities for operators that want to offer fixed–mobile convergence (FMC)...