Direct-to-device (D2D) communication services represent significant revenue potential for telecoms operators, but operators must understand the...
Regulators and operators are increasingly clamping down on permanent roaming. This article explores how IoT providers are developing localised...
The number of operators offering fixed–mobile convergence (FMC) services is growing thanks to fixed–mobile mergers and a greater use of...
Communications service providers (CSPs) are continuing to spend on AI and analytics tools. This article draws on Analysys Mason's 'Communications...
Some high-profile operators have divested their digital service divisions, but many operators are looking beyond connectivity for revenue growth....
Ericsson has agreed to sell its IoT Accelerator and Connected Vehicle Cloud businesses to Aeris, a USA-based connectivity provider. The deal is an...
SMS is the primary channel for application-to-person (A2P) messaging, however third-party messaging apps utility is on the rise offering more...
In a day and age where every part of the enterprise and government services operations is moving to the era of digitalization, the appearance of...
It is not yet clear whether XGS-PON works best as a premium product or as a mass-market one. This article is one of a series on wholesale broadband...