There is a general agreement that copper networks need to be switched off and, although more incumbent operators globally are planning, or have...
This article discusses the challenges of systems integration in relation to large-scale adoption of open RAN and outlines possible...
The share of private networks that uses 5G continues to increase as these networks are gradually being deployed in non-industrial sectors such as...
Operators are increasingly focusing on home Wi-Fi services to avoid price-based competition and improve customer...
After missing projected growth in some quarters of 2022, Netflix announced the reduction of prices for some of its subscription plans in more than 30...
Western Europe is the most connected region by submarine cable count; 35% of the world's submarine cables land in the region. Investment from...
With the increase in occurrence of natural disasters such as wildfires, floods and storms, it is important for policy makers to develop a clear...
To make the most of fibre’s excellent sustainability credentials, operators need to be aware of the tools and levers that maximise fibre's...
The report, prepared through the lens of Google and Railtel Public Wi-Fi project, outlines an opportunity to develop a wider connectivity ecosystem...
Mobile networks are a viable way to offer affordable broadband services for those in rural areas, but regulatory initiatives are needed to encourage...