Some operators have responded to challenges to their revenue growth by adopting new retail pricing practices that, while legal, could be considered...
Study of key steps for operators and policy-makers in APAC to take to realise the benefits of...
Jia Yee is a Principal in the Singapore office. She is an experienced consultant with broad capabilities that run across our various propositions. She works closely with regulatory clients, notably the IMDA, extensively on transaction-related...
Sylvain is a Principal in our Paris office and has worked in the telecoms sector for almost 15 years. He has managed projects across a broad range of areas, including strategic assessments and business planning, regulatory projects and due diligence...
Operators may revert to on-premises deployments as the eSIM market matures, thereby forcing vendors to disaggregate their eSIM solutions. Vendors...
Mobile cost models should not be overlooked. These models complement an approach based on information provided to end users about the availability...
Gonzalo is a Manager based in the Madrid office. Since 2015, he has worked with a wide range of clients worldwide, including network operators, regulatory bodies, public institutions and financial entities. Gonzalo has experience in regulation and...
Europe's prosperity and competitiveness are lagging behind other major economic blocs. The EU Digital Single Market (DSM), which is seen as an...
In the past, Finland had a highly fragmented fixed telecommunications market, with local copper networks provided by different local companies in...