Developed Asia–Pacific is the third-most connected region by submarine cable count, with 87 operational submarine cables. This number is...
The pay-TV market is changing rapidly as consumer expectations and greater price competition exert pressure. Our quarterly metrics include market...
The share of Apple handsets is increasing worldwide. This article is based on Analysys Mason's consumer survey and explores how Apple is gaining...
Fixed broadband household penetration is low in many low-income countries. Operators and investors need to understand demand-side constraints on...
Recent structural changes to the digital advertising market have put operators in a stronger position to capitalise on their first-party user data...
The number of streaming video subscriptions declined in Germany and the UK in 2022 and 2023. The average number of streaming services that any one...
The number of operators able to offer fixed and mobile services will increase significantly between 2020 and 2025, driven by M&A and competitive...
The year 2024 started with a low number of GEO communications satellite orders compared to previous years; five so far, and most were small...
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mobile roaming and equipment sales means that most telecoms operators’ business revenue fell in 2020....
A recent report by Analysys Mason provides evidence of the impact that Google, and internet companies in general, are having on the supply of...