Customers that take fixed–mobile convergence bundles are markedly different from all other customers. This report identifies their features and...
Analysys Mason advised the French Ministry of Culture and the French media regulator (CSA) on the conditions for successful development of local...
This data set summarises the most-relevant streaming video customer experience KPIs for major streaming video services in 18 countries based on...
Operators are under increasing pressure to become more sustainable. This tracker provides an overview of the energy consumption and CO2 emission...
Gaming is important for telecoms operators because it has high engagement, drives demand for high-performance connectivity and has high revenue...
There is a growing need for MNOs to upgrade the cell site connections to fibre as cellular data traffic increases. This tracker presents data on the...
Fixed broadband churn is an important metric for operators. This data set provides the reported monthly fixed broadband churn metrics at an operator...
Extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) is a versatile abstraction layer that enables programmable extensions of Linux and Windows operating system...
We use our consumer survey data to evaluate the extent to which price increases affect customer churn. Results indicate that the geographical...
This report explores the results of Analysys Mason’s annual consumer survey, assessing consumers’ interest in smart home security and...