Colt launched its Partner Hub in March 2021 to support the development of new partner services. Its experience to date provides insights for other...
Deutsche Telekom (DT) held its Capital Market Day in October 2024. AI was a central theme and B2B was shown to be a core part of the revenue growth...
The digital world brings great opportunities, but it is not accessible to all. To address this digital divide, new EU legislation (EAA) aims to...
Digital transformation is driving enterprises to use high numbers of distributed private and public clouds. Enterprises must navigate an increasingly...
Service assurance needs to be upgraded to ensure that networks and their associated services deliver the performance required within contracts and...
Most smartphone users in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) expect that 5G will significantly improve their mobile experience, but many of them are confused...
The metaverse and 5G were the two key themes presented at MWC 2022 that relate to consumer telecoms services. However, it was unclear how operators...
Operators around the world are rolling out FTTP networks but face multiple challenges in terms of capex and opex, time to roll out and delivering an...
FTTP roll-outs continue to gather pace worldwide. FTTP operators need to consider what speeds they offer in their entry-level retail plans in order...
Open RAN has the potential to spearhead a transformation of network supply chains, resulting in better economics, resilience and security, leading to...