Analysys Mason provides detailed 5-year forecasts of the telecoms market in Latin America. This report focuses on operators’ core telecoms...
This country report and accompanying data provide a comprehensive overview of Argentina's telecoms market, including KPIs and data on subscribers,...
Restrictions imposed by governments due to the COVID-19 pandemic will have a notable impact on the mobile segment, resulting in a 9.4% decline in...
The fixed telecoms segment in Latin America will show great resilience to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Retail revenue will increase during...
Spanish | Portuguese In this report, sponsored by Google, Analysys Mason analyzed the impact of submarine cables in Latin America and the Caribbean...
Learn more about operators' fibre-to-the-premises build-outs in North America and Latin America from our Americas FTTP...
Latin America (LATAM) lags behind most of the world in terms of consumer adoption of 5G services. 5G adoption is highest in Chile (Figure 1),...
This report analyses and forecasts the coverage (premises passed) and capex for FTTx architecture and technologies during...
English | Portuguese En este informe, patrocinado por Google, Analysys Mason analiza el impacto económico de los cables submarinos que existen...
English | Spanish Neste relatório, patrocinado pelo Google, analisamos o impacto dos cabos submarinos na América Latina e no Caribe...