Andrea is a consultant based in Analysys Mason’s London office. Prior to joining Analysys Mason, Andrea’s consultancy experience focused on the analytics sector, specifically in software as a service (SaaS) and fast-moving consumer goods (FCMG).
At Analysys Mason, Andrea primarily works on transaction support and strategy assignments, and has worked with several mobile and fixed operators across Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), along with other digital infrastructure players.
Andrea holds an MPhil in Management from the University of Cambridge and completed his undergraduate degree in International Economics at the University of Padua, along with an exchange period at Boston University.
Cloud XR: overcoming on-headset computing challenges with low-latency ultra-fast connectivity
Impacto econômico da rede de cabos submarinos do Google na América Latina e no Caribe
Impacto económico de la red de cables submarinos de Google en América Latina y el Caribe