Meet the expert

Meet the expert

Claude Rousseau

Research Director, expert in space and satellite

Claude has more than 25 years of experience in the space and satellite sector, and has worked in various functions in business, management, consulting, research, administration and marketing communications throughout his career.

Claude is a member of our Space team and handles direction and oversight, market research, and consulting engagements in sectors such unmanned aerial systems, high-altitude platforms, satellite manufacturing and launch services, small satellites, smallsat launchers, flat panel antennas, in-orbit servicing and space situational awareness, space travel and tourism, big data via satellite, optical communications and cloud computing via satellite and Earth observation. He provides regional expertise in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

He joined Analysys Mason when Northern Sky Research (NSR) was acquired in 2022.

Claude was previously with the International Space University (ISU), a higher education institution for which he managed professional development programmes. He later co-founded Futuraspace, an international space consulting firm. Earlier, he worked for the Canadian Space Agency where he held various positions in administration, management and strategy.

He has a BSc with majors in physics and astrophysics from the University of Calgary (Canada) and a Master's in space studies (MSc.) from the International Space University (France). Claude is based in Strasbourg, France.