Loïc is a Manager at Analysys Mason with 11 years of experience, during which he has worked on multiple regulatory and policy assignments for regulators and operators alike. He has been project manager of several mobile regulatory costing projects for European regulators, in particular for Arcep in France, PTS in Sweden and BIPT in Belgium. He also managed or contributed to other regulatory costing projects, both fixed and mobile, in Malta, Romania, the UK, Jamaica, French Polynesia, India, Spain, Ireland, Israel, South Africa, Georgia, New Zealand, Brazil, Peru and Egypt. Recently, he also assessed the technical value of the spectrum to be awarded in multiband auctions in two Western European countries on behalf of an operator; performed several due diligence of FTTH operators aiming to raise financing to roll out their network; and acted as expert witness in a hearing with the European Commission Competition Directorate, which concluded a project he managed defending O2’s network sharing with T-Mobile in the Czech Republic against anti-trust proceedings (Case AT.40305).
Loïc has a Master in Management from Institut Mines-Télécom Business School (France) and a MA in Telecommunication, Information Studies and Media, as well as a Graduate Specialization in International Development, from Michigan State University (USA).
Access to land under the GIA: considerations for regulation
Land providers in the context of the European Commission's planned Gigabit Infrastructure Act
New-generation mobile cost models: addressing broader issues beyond termination rates