Meet the expert

Meet the expert

Maria Tunberg

Partner, expert in sustainability


For digitalisation and sustainability to be successful, we need to put people at the centre of projects so that we build their trust and bring them with us.

Maria is a Partner within our Lund consulting team and is an expert in sustainability. Her expertise is in sustainable digital transformation, whether at an organisational or a societal level. Maria advises clients on the policies, structures and incentives needed to increase take-up of their services and close the digital divide. She is especially skilled in issues at the intersection of digitalisation and sustainability. 

Maria has applied her expertise in sustainability to due diligence work within transaction services and environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting for the financial community. In her role she works extensively with public bodies and government agencies, such as the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, on issues such as policy, regulation and transformation. 

Maria is a strong advocate for the critical role that digital technologies are playing in enabling all sectors to build towards a sustainable global economy. One of Maria’s stand-out projects was for the Swedish Board of Agriculture, for which we set up a structure for a national knowledge centre to accelerate digitalisation within the agricultural sector. In addition to finding ways that digitalisation can help business and sustainability, Maria has made an important contribution to Analysys Mason’s role in addressing the digital divide for marginalised groups.

She has extensive theoretical and practical experience of organisational change management, alongside environmental management and economics. Maria holds a PhD in Business Development from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 

She also spent a year at De Montfort University studying art, interior design and architecture. Her pursuit of beauty in the domestic sphere is also evident in her love of gardening, which takes up as much time as her work and family allow.