Asia–Pacific telecoms market update 3Q 2024: fixed broadband connections are declining in Thailand
11 February 2025 | Research
Article | PDF (3 pages) | Asia–Pacific Metrics and Forecasts
This article highlights major telecoms market developments in Asia–Pacific (APAC), and includes data from Analysys Mason’s 3Q 2024 DataHub update. The full dataset is available in Analysys Mason’s DataHub.
The number of mobile and fixed broadband subscribers in APAC grew by 2% and 6% year-on-year, respectively, in 3Q 2024. Retail revenue for both fixed and mobile services increased in emerging Asia–Pacific (EMAP) thanks to the rise in the number of connections, which offset the decline in mobile ARPU and fixed broadband ASPU. Despite fixed revenue increasing in developed Asia–Pacific (DVAP), mobile revenue decreased mainly due to a fall in ARPU caused by market competition.