BT squares up to the enterprise multi-cloud networking challenge ahead of its peers

11 April 2023 | Research

Gorkem Yigit

Article | PDF (2 pages) | Enterprise Services| Multi-Cloud Networking

"BT’s competitors should monitor the level of enterprise take-up for Global Fabric closely as they debate the best strategy for investing in a physical, global underlay network."


In 3Q 2023, BT will launch a completely new network that will make it quicker and easier for enterprise clients to connect to multiple clouds and software-as-a-service (SaaS) providers with end-to-end performance guarantees. BT’s Global Fabric will provide on-demand connectivity for distributed workloads using a software defined, point-to-aggregate cloud interconnect architecture across 160 points of presence (PoPs) located in carrier-neutral facilities such as Equinix. Global Fabric will use its partners’ fibre networks to support a high-bandwidth L2/3 routing layer that will deliver private networking services – IP VPN, L2 Ethernet – and business-grade internet. BT claims that Global Fabric will reach almost three-quarters of the cloud onramps that hyperscale public cloud providers (PCPs) are investing in, compared with its nearest Tier 1 competitor, which can reach just over one-quarter of those onramps, or its nearest new entrant fabric provider which reaches 48% of onramps. For example, BT says that Global Fabric will connect customers from the outset to 85% of Azure ExpressRoute front door locations. BT’s goal of becoming the world’s number one provider of secure multi-cloud connectivity may be challenged, however, as other B2B operators have similar plans under wraps which they are likely to reveal this year. 


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Gorkem Yigit

Research Director