Sweden: IoT market report 2022
Sweden has a dynamic IoT market; suppliers provide a range of connectivity services and end-to-end solutions. Operators and LPWA players also target large enterprises with international connectivity services.
This country report provides an overview of the IoT market in Sweden. It includes data on wireless IoT connections and revenue and analyses the strategies of major IoT players in the Swedish market.
Topics and data included in this report
- Overview of the IoT market in Sweden
- IoT-specific regulation and government policy
- Historical data and forecasts for wireless IoT connections and connectivity revenue, split by technology and sector
- Total IoT revenue split by value chain component (connectivity, hardware and application)
- Key milestones and market dynamics
- Profiles of Tele2, Telia, Telenor IoT/Telenor Connexion and other significant players in the Swedish IoT market
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