Earth observation ecosystem tracker 2024

22 July 2024 | Research

Prachi Kawade | John Brading

Tracker | Excel | Earth Observation

“Satellite operators and other key players in the space industry are broadening their horizons downstream, which signals a transformative shift towards a more end-user-centric approach.” 


Analysys Mason's Earth observation ecosystem tracker serves as a guide to the main players in the Earth observation (EO) industry. The tracker provides details of organisations across the entire value chain, ranging from satellite operators to downstream analytics service providers. The tracker provides information about the funding raised by each organisation, its role in the space market and the verticals that it operate in. Together this information provides a holistic understanding of the EO industry landscape.

Data coverage

The following information is provided for each organisation.

  • Company name
  • Country in which the organisation is based
  • Region
  • Year founded
  • Type
  • Primary role
  • Secondary role
  • Description
  • Funding

Information is also provided on each organisation's investments and the product verticals that they serve.

Company coverage

The following organisations are included in this tracker.

  • Airbus
  • Asterra
  • Axelspace
  • Amazon Web Services
  • BlackSky Global
  • Capella Space
  • CloudEO
  • Centre national d'études spatiales (CNES)
  • Canadian Space Agency (CSA)
  • Descartes Labs
  • EarthDaily Analytics
  • Earth-i
  • Ecometrica (EcoOnline)
  • European Space Agency (ESA)
  • ESRI
  • GeoOptics
  • GHGsat
  • Google Earth
  • HawkEye 360
  • Hisdesat
  • Hydrosat
  • Iceye
  • ImageSat International
  • Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
  • Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
  • Kayrros
  • Kuva Space
  • LiveEO
  • Maxar Intelligence
  • MDA Space
  • Microsoft Azure Orbital
  • NASA
  • Open Cosmos
  • Weather Stream (Orbital Micro Systems)
  • Pixxel
  • Planet
  • PlanetIQ
  • Preligens
  • Orbital Insight (Privateer)
  • RAIC Labs (Synthetaic)
  • RS Metrics
  • Satellite Imaging Corp
  • SatVu
  • Satellogic
  • Satrec Initiative Imaging
  • Satsure
  • SkyFi
  • Skymet Weather
  • Skywatch
  • SpaceKnow
  • Spire Global
  • Swift Geospatial
  • Synspective
  • e-GEOS (Telespazio)
  • UKSA
  • Umbra
  • Unseenlabs
  • UP42


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Prachi Kawade

Senior Analyst, expert in space and satellite

John Brading

Research analyst