European quarterly metrics: Central and Eastern Europe 2Q 2024

27 September 2024 | Research

Stephen Day

Tracker | Excel | European Quarterly Metrics

"This update of the European quarterly metrics for Central and Eastern Europe contains data for 2Q 2024."


Analysys Mason's European quarterly metrics dataset is a comprehensive source of trusted quarterly data that sizes European fixed and mobile telecoms markets and provides market shares for the major players. The metrics tracked offer insight into a range of dynamics within and between fixed and mobile markets. All data provided is directly comparable – we apply a common set of definitions to ensure consistency between players and across markets.

The data is delivered in a user-friendly Excel format, with filters that enable you to select and compare data series. The data can easily be extracted for your own use. Useful metrics derived from the data are also provided. The data is also available in our online database tool, the Analysys Mason DataHub.


Geographical coverage

This dataset provides comprehensive metrics for the following 16 Central and Eastern European countries.

  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Estonia
  • Hungary
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Montenegro
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine


Western Europe TMM Western Europe coverage

Data for Western Europe is provided in a separate file – click here.

Key performance indicators


  • Mobile:
    • total (handset plus mobile broadband, excluding IoT), total including IoT
    • handset: smartphone, basic, smartphone share of handsets
    • mobile broadband
    • total, handset and broadband: 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G (and 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G share)
    • total and handset: prepaid, contract and prepaid share
    • IoT
    • MVNO and MVNO share
    • penetration: total, prepaid, contract, handset, smartphone, mobile broadband, IoT
  • Fixed:
    • voice: narrowband, VoBB, dial-up
    • broadband: residential, business, DSL, FTTP/B, cable modem, FWA, other technologies, ULL, VULA, net additions
    • penetration (business sites and households): voice, broadband (DSL, FTTP/B, cable modem, FWA, other technologies)
  • Pay TV:
    • total operator pay TV
    • CATV: total, analogue, digital
    • IPTV
    • satellite
    • pay DTT
    • operator OTT
    • penetration: total operator pay TV, CATV (total, analogue, digital), IPTV, satellite, pay DTT, operator OTT



  • Mobile:
    • mobile-originated voice minutes
    • outgoing MoU per connection
    • cellular data: total, per connection
    • messages sent: total, per connection
  • Fixed:
    • outgoing minutes: total, narrowband, VoBB
    • outgoing MoU per active connection


Network-independent metrics

  • GDP
  • GDP per capita
  • Population
  • Households
  • Business sites
  • Exchange rates


Operator-level metrics/market share

  • Mobile:
    • connections: total, prepaid, prepaid share,  contract (and associated market share)
    • churn rate
    • service revenue: total, prepaid, contract,  voice, data, data share of service revenue (and associated market share)
    • retail revenue: voice, voice per mobile minute, data, data share of retail revenue (and associated market share)
    • ARPU: total, prepaid, contract, voice, data
    • traffic: outgoing voice traffic, outgoing MoU per connection, messages sent per connection (and associated market share)
  • Fixed:
    • connections: voice (narrowband, VoBB), broadband (DSL, FTTP/B, cable modem, FWA, other technologies, plus associated market share and net additions)
    • retail revenue: voice, broadband (DSL, FTTP/B, cable modem, FWA, other technologies, plus associated market share)
    • ASPU: voice, broadband
    • traffic: outgoing minutes (and associated market share)
  • Pay TV:
    • connections: total operator, CATV, IPTV, satellite, pay-DTT, operator OTT (and associated market share)
    • retail revenue

Service revenue

  • Mobile:
    • total
    • share of GDP
    • per capita per month
    • prepaid, contract, prepaid share
    • voice, messaging, data, data share
  • Fixed:
    • total (retail plus wholesale)
    • share of GDP
    • per capita per month


Retail revenue

  • Mobile:
    • total
    • share of GDP
    • per capita per month
    • per GB
    • voice, voice per minute
    • data, data per GB, messaging 
    • handset, handset data
    • mobile broadband
    • IoT
  • Fixed:
    • total
    • share of GDP
    • per capita per month
    • voice: narrowband, VoBB
    • dedicated connections
    • broadband: DSL, FTTP/B, cable modem, FWA, other technologies
  • ICT services
  • Pay TV:
    • total operator pay TV
    • CATV: total, analogue, digital
    • IPTV
    • satellite
    • pay DTT
    • operator OTT


Wholesale revenue

  • Mobile
  • Fixed



  • Mobile:
    • total
    • prepaid, contract
    • voice
    • data
    • mobile broadband
    • IoT
    • handset: total, voice, messaging, data, data from smartphones
  • Fixed:
    • voice
    • broadband



  • Mobile:
    • total
    • prepaid, contract

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Stephen Day
