White papers

In this section, you will find free white papers and thought leadership to download.

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Autonomous, intent-driven networks cannot be achieved without open network data

Traditional network data collection systems predominantly use proprietary, non-standard data formats and models to capture and process data. This rest...

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5G scenario assessment: optimal deployment priorities for MNOs

The 5G business case is challenging for operators that do not launch new, high-value enterprise services. The deployment of a sliceable 5G core will m...

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Near-real-time RIC: enabling AI/ML-driven extreme automation and granular control of Open RAN

Extreme network automation is at the heart of MNOs' plans to reduce the total cost of ownership and retain control of 5G networks using new virtual an...

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The automation of network slice lifecycle management and orchestration is critical to deliver 5G slicing at scale

5G is being developed as a network platform that combines new radio, edge clouds, programmable transport and the cloud-native core to deliver differen...

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A move to cloud changes the game for Deutsche Telekom’s next-generation IMS

Deutsche Telekom’s next-generation IMS (NIMS) project in Germany is a radical implementation of an IMS for fixed-line voice services based on De...

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China’s semiconductor ecosystem: opportunities and challenges

China is investing heavily in becoming self-reliant in semiconductors but is behind in some fundamental technologies. The speed with which the country...

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Building a best-in-class network for competitive advantage

Communications service providers (CSPs) face unprecedented competition for 5G connectivity from a host of assailants because the software-based nature...

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stc’s multi-vendor, telco cloud is the foundation for new digital services

stc is building an advanced telco cloud in order to deliver a digital and differentiated network that supports the aims and services of Saudi Arabia&r...

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The platform approach to transforming CSP customer experience

CSPs remain considerably behind digital natives when it comes to offering real-time, personalised and streamlined digital engagement, despite their in...

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Cyber security: selling to small and medium-sized businesses (volume II)

This is our second collection of articles looking at security, with particular focus on the SMB market (that is, firms with up to 1000 employees)....

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