Inventory 3.0: next-generation cloud-ready inventory

18 July 2023 | Research

Alex Bilyi | Justin van der Lande

Perspective | PDF (12 pages) | Service Design and Orchestration

"CSPs implement a new generation of inventory systems – inventory 3.0 – or risk the commercial failure of 5G cloud infrastructure-based services."


This report assesses what communications service providers (CSPs) should do to improve their inventory systems.

CSPs need inventory systems for network operations, and business and financial processes. These inventory systems are constantly evolving to support new technologies and services. The roll-out of 5G is transforming the way networks are built and the types of services that they offer. Previously defined network elements that are used to create services are becoming dynamic and built on virtualised cloud infrastructure that is as agile as the services it is delivering. Legacy inventory systems struggle in this new cloud environment and CSPs should improve their inventory systems or they will face difficulties in managing their 5G cloud-based network investments and in their ability to support the provisioning and assurance of new 5G services.  



Alex Bilyi


Justin van der Lande

Research Director