Business-services-related M&A tracker 1H 2024: trends and analysis

03 April 2024 | Research

Matt Small | Dongye Liu

Tracker report | PPTX and PDF (7 slides) | SME Services| Enterprise Services

"Operators' business-related acquisitions are increasingly involving security-related companies."


Analysys Mason's Business-services-related M&A tracker has identified more than 400 acquisitions that have been made by operators between 2017 and the end of 2023 to enhance their capabilities and market reach for delivering business services. This report assesses the key trends in these business-services-related acquisitions by region and type of operator.

Topics included in this report

  • Rate of business-service-related M&A
  • Differences between incumbents' acquisition strategies and those of challenger operators
  • Regional differences in operator acquisition strategy
  • Analysis of the types of companies and capabilities that operators are acquiring


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Trackers and datasets

Analysys Mason tracks and analyses changing telecoms metrics.

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Matt Small


Dongye Liu

Research Analyst