Private LTE/5G networks: service provider profiles and analysis

05 July 2024 | Research

Ibraheem Kasujee

Case studies report | PPTX and PDF (26 slides) | Private Networks

"Private LTE/5G network service providers need to develop clear differentiators to stand out in the crowded market."


This report analyses the private LTE/5G network strategies of selected private network service providers. It focuses on these providers’ roles in the private networks value chain. It also considers how these providers can ensure that they maximise the value of their roles.

Key questions answered in this report

  • What roles in the private LTE/5G networks value chain do service providers occupy and how can they maximise the private LTE/5G network opportunity?
  • How do private network service providers differentiate their offers?
  • How do the service providers included in this report compare in terms of their private LTE/5G strategies, and what lessons can other providers learn from these strategies?

Case studies included in this report

  • BT
  • Deutsche Telekom
  • Ericsson
  • Freshwave
  • Kajeet
  • Nokia
  • NTT
  • Ooredoo
  • Telefónica
  • Vodafone


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Ibraheem Kasujee

Senior Analyst