Service design and orchestration: worldwide market shares 2023

19 September 2024 | Research

Alex Bilyi

Market share report | PPTX and PDF (32 slides); Excel | Service Design and Orchestration

"The service design and orchestration software and services market demonstrated some resilience, driven by CSPs shifting from 5G deployment-related software investments towards broader digital transformation and cloud migration initiatives."


This report provides market share data for communications service provider (CSP) spending on telecoms-specific service design and orchestration software systems and related services for 2023. It provides details of how the spending varied by delivery model, vendor and region. The report also includes profiles of the leading vendors in the market.

Questions answered in this report

  • What was the overall size of the market (service design and orchestration software systems and services for the telecoms industry) and what drove this spending among CSPs?
  • Who are the major vendors and what is their share of revenue in the service design and orchestration systems market?
  • What are the different drivers and growth rates of CSP spending on products and professional services?

Who should read this report

  • Vendor strategy teams that need to understand how spending is shifting as CSPs seek to reduce spending on legacy systems and invest in adopting modern architecture frameworks.
  • Product management teams that are responsible for feature functionality and geographical focus, and product marketing teams that are responsible for growth.
  • CSPs that are planning to revamp their monetisation platforms and advance their digital transformation journeys.
  • Professional services vendors that want to understand the growth opportunities over the next 5 years.

This report and the associated data annex provide:

  • detailed market share data for the service design and orchestration systems and services market, split by:
    • four sub-segments: end-to-end orchestration, activation, inventory management and engineering systems
    • two delivery types: product and professional services
    • eight geographical regions: Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), developed Asia–Pacific (DVAP), emerging Asia–Pacific (EMAP), Latin America (LATAM), the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), North America (NA), Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and Western Europe (WE)
  • analysis of the business environment and regional dynamics that will influence the service design and orchestration market
  • a detailed market definition
  • recommendations for vendors
  • detailed profiles of 10 vendors in this market.

Company coverage

  • Accenture
  • Amdocs
  • Blue Planet
  • Cisco


  • Ericsson
  • HPE
  • Netcracker


  • Nokia
  • Oracle
  • ServiceNow


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Alex Bilyi
