Selling cyber-security services to SMEs: effective strategies for telecoms operators

21 June 2024 | Research

Matt Small

Strategy report | PPTX and PDF (8 slides) | SME Services

"The SME cyber-security market is crowded, but operators can adopt a number of strategies to differentiate themselves from other players."


Operator business revenue from connectivity services is expected to be effectively flat over the next 5 years. Operators can be significant players in the market for cyber-security services for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and can generate meaningful additional revenue. However, they will struggle to differentiate themselves from other players in this competitive market. They should ensure that their portfolios are attractive and that they address the most common needs of sophisticated SMEs.

This report provides:

  • analysis of operators’ strategies for selling cyber-security services to micro (0–9 employees), small (10–49 employees) and medium-sized (50–249 employees) enterprises
  • recommendations for how operators can differentiate themselves in the crowded cyber-security market for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).


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Matt Small
