Telecoms operator strategies for differentiating fixed connectivity for enterprises

01 August 2024 | Research

Catherine Hammond

Strategy report | PPTX and PDF (6 slides) | Enterprise Services

"Operators have options to gain at least a short-term competitive advantage in the fixed connectivity market."


Fixed connectivity is a vital part of operators’ ambitions in the enterprise market, but differentiation is hard to achieve. The market is quite conservative and established operators must reduce churn, while challenger operators need to find effective strategies to increase their customer base.

Information included in this report

  • A review of the most-important factors affecting enterprises' choice of connectivity supplier
  • Discussion of the most-promising means of differentiation in this market, based on discussions with more than 12 telecoms operators
  • Recommendations for those areas of investment that all telecoms operators should prioritise to keep pace with their peers
  • Suggestions for ways in which operators can achieve at least a short-term advantage in the enterprise market


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Catherine Hammond

Research Director