eBPF for cloud-native networks: operator use cases

25 July 2024 | Research

Gorkem Yigit

Strategy report | PPTX and PDF (6 slides) | Cloud Infrastructure Strategies

"Operators need to fully grasp the depth and breadth of eBPF's use cases and identify how this technology can support their cloud-native transformation goals of network programmability, automation and resilience."


Extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) is emerging as a key building block for cloud-native networks, offering a wide range of use cases and benefits for cloud-native networking, observability and security. However, many operators remain uncertain about where to start adopting this technology and how it can support their broader technological and operational objectives. 

This report provides:

  • An overview of eBPF use cases for cloud-native networks, spanning networking, observability and security
  • Details of operator implementations of various eBPF use cases and the benefits achieved, including examples from Bell Canada, KDDI, Orange and Rakuten
  • Insights and recommendations to help operators formulate their own adoption strategies


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Gorkem Yigit

Research Director