Non-real-time RIC: management and orchestration of Open and traditional RAN

08 March 2023 | Research

Alex Bilyi

Strategy report | PPTX and PDF (24 slides) | Service Design and Orchestration

"CSPs must deploy service management and orchestration platforms that include a non-real-time RAN intelligent controller to accelerate the commercialisation of Open RAN."


Current control and management systems will not be able to support the overall management and orchestration of traditional RAN and Open RAN solutions. Communications service providers (CSPs) must deploy service management and orchestration (SMO) platforms that include a non-real-time RAN intelligent controller (non-RT RIC) to accelerate the commercialisation of Open RAN.

Information included in this report

  • An analysis of the opportunities and strategies for telecoms vendors in SMO platforms and non-RT RIC solutions
  • Information and insights that telecoms operators and vendors can draw upon when formulating their own strategies 
  • An annex detailing the strategies of eight vendors


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Alex Bilyi
