Operator strategies for common cloud platforms and new operating models in open networks

17 July 2024 | Research

Gorkem Yigit

Strategy report | PPTX and PDF (6 slides) | Cloud Infrastructure Strategies

"Many operators are overlooking the importance of openness in the cloud infrastructure and automation stack, which puts their open network goals at risk."


Operators have the ambition to build their 5G networks in an open, multi-vendor and best-of-breed architecture using cloud-native technologies and highly automated operational processes. However, many operator strategies for achieving open networks insufficiently focus on developing a common cloud platform and implementing a new operating model, which will hinder their open network ambitions. 

Information included in this report

  • An overview of operators’ progress towards building a horizontal network cloud and automation platform and the new operating model associated with it
  • An analysis of gaps in the strategies and activities of operators to achieve open network clouds and automation
  • Insights and recommendations for operators to address their gaps and accelerate their open network transformations


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Gorkem Yigit

Research Director