Satellite fixed broadband addressable market

25 October 2024 | Research

Vivek Prasad

Strategy report | PPTX and PDF (8 slides); Excel | Satellite Capacity| Satellite Strategies for Telcos

"Using satellite services for backhaul and consumer broadband will be critical in achieving universal connectivity and addressing the digital divide."


Terrestrial networks are unable address connectivity gaps in remote areas, which means that around 5% of the global population does not have access to mobile broadband. Satellite fixed broadband providers should focus on using flexible, scalable satellite backhaul solutions to address this unmet demand.

This report provides:

  • an assessment of the total addressable market, by region, for wireless backhaul via satellite and satellite consumer broadband
  • an overview of the challenges for satellite communication players when addressing these markets
  • three solutions to help players better capture market opportunities.


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Vivek Prasad

Principal Analyst, space and satellite, expert in satellite capacity