Fixed Services


This programme provides detailed competitive and forward-looking information about the market size, potential and competition within the fixed broadband and voice markets. In particular, it focuses on price competition, demand for fibre, next-generation access (NGA) and 5G fixed-wireless access (FWA) and the size of the market opportunity for home broadband and associated services.


  • Multi-gigabit tariffs. Analysing how operators can market multigigabit speeds to monetise their investments in fibre.
  • Upsell and growth opportunities. The opportunities to differentiate broadband services with in-home connectivity and value-added services.
  • Strategies for FWA. Assessing the best approach for positioning (FWA) relative to wireline broadband. 

Questions answered

  • Which consumer segments are most likely to value multi-gigabit connectivity and how can operators satisfy these consumers’ demanding connectivity requirements?
  • How can operators demonstrate the value of bundling services with connectivity compared to purchasing them separately from a dedicated provider? 
  • How can operators benefit from providing improved in-home connectivity to their broadband subscribers and which retail strategies will deliver the best results?
  • How can operators improve consumers’ satisfaction with fixed broadband services and reduce fixed broadband churn?
  • How should operators position their FWA tariffs in comparison to wireline connectivity?

Programme head Martin Scott

Martin Scott Research Director